Street-level crime in WD24 6NB - Watford Observer

Crime for WD24 6NB

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Street-level crime and anti-social behaviour in from the Home Office.

To protect privacy, crimes are mapped to points on or near the road where they occurred.

Street name Crime type

Police station and neighbourhood policing team

Neighbourhood police station

Shady Lane, Watford
WD17 1DD

Opening Hours:
Mon: 8am-11pm
Tue: 8am-11pm
Wed: 8am-11pm
Thu: 8am-11pm
Fri: 8am-midnight
Sat: 8am-midnight
Sun: 10am-8pm

  • Telephone: 101
  • Email:

Watford North neighbourhood policing team

Sgt Philip Smith
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Hertfordshire Constabulary to request that they add this information.
Sgt Karl Diggins
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Hertfordshire Constabulary to request that they add this information.
Ch/Insp Andy Wiseman

It has been an honour and privilege to step into the role of Chief Inspector for Watford, as from Monday 9th January 2023.
My policing career started at Watford twenty-three years ago, when he joined the Hertfordshire Special Constabulary as a teenager. I have very fond memories of my time as a Special Constable based at Shady Lane. I found volunteering as a police officer immensely rewarding and I learnt a whole range of life skills which have stayed with me ever since. I knew very quickly that policing was the career for me.
I became a regular office in 2003 and have undertaken a number of roles at Watford in the intervening years. Prior to my return to Watford at the start of 2023, I was the Safer Neighbourhood Team Inspector at St Albans for four years. My passion is still very much neighbourhood policing, which I firmly believe the public want to see more of. It's important to me that we know our communities and that they know us. Even in 2023, the basic idea that the police are the public and the public are the police, still underpins everything we do. Successful policing relies on the public working with us and sharing information.
I am particularly looking forward to building new relationships with communities and partner agencies. My initial priorities include tackling anti-social behaviour hotspots and street robberies. I also look forward to overseeing the transition from Shady Lane to our new police station in George Street.

Insp Dan Jones

Delighted to have taken the SNT Inspector’s role at Watford – an area that I know extremely well, having grown up in the area and where I have spent many of my twenty years’ in policing. My career has been spent in intervention and SNT roles in Watford/Three Rivers, before promotion saw me move to the FCR where I worked as Oscar 1. I have experience in Public Order and firearms command, still working as a POPSA and PSU Commander.

PC Dani Howlett-Bolton

Hi I'm Dani and I'm the Hate Crime Officer for Watford and Three Rivers. My role see's me having oversight of all reported hate crime.
I also work with community groups and build on community cohesion, manage any tensions and ensure everyone is made welcome and supported across our towns.
If you experience any hate crime please get in contact and I'll more than will to help and support you.

PC Nikki Peatey
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Hertfordshire Constabulary to request that they add this information.
PC Aaron George

I am PC 1256 Aaron George and have been a constable since 2019. I have responsibility for Meriden Ward, Watford which I have managed for around 1 year.

PC Steve Martin
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Hertfordshire Constabulary to request that they add this information.
PC James Gaitskell

I am PC 83 James Gaitskell and have been a constable since 2018.  I have responsibility for Callowland Ward and currently Tudor ward as well while we are going through staffing changes. Before this I was a Police Community Support Officer in Hertsmere for 3 and half years.

PC Yasmin Lermer
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Hertfordshire Constabulary to request that they add this information.
PC Ben James
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Hertfordshire Constabulary to request that they add this information.
PC Chris Reeve
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Hertfordshire Constabulary to request that they add this information.
PCSO Madalina Soreanu
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Hertfordshire Constabulary to request that they add this information.
PCSO Linda Davey
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Hertfordshire Constabulary to request that they add this information.
PCSO Ruxane Osler

I am PCSO 6646 Ruxane Osler and have been a police community support officer since 2020. I have responsibility for The Meriden.

Mrs Gill Teixiera

Business Support officer based in Community Safety Unit
Covering Watford & Three Rivers
Supporting both Alcohol Licensing officer & ASB officer in both areas ( we currently have no ASB officers in either area )

Mrs Jo Tomkins

Jo manages all aspects of licensing in Watford

About this neighbourhood

Callowland, Leggatts, Meriden, Stanborough, Tudor and Woodside

The force responsible for policing and crime prevention in this area is Hertfordshire Constabulary.

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